Ms. Hough
You will need to bring your textbook, your 3-ring binder, and a pencil or pen to class every day.
Grading System
These are the items I will use to calculate your nine-weeks grade:
50% Classwork, homework, and lab work
25% Tests
10 % Quizzes
10% Notebook (described below)
5% Participation
A Midterm Exam and a Final Exam will be given and each will count as 20% of that semester’s grade. Any exceptions to this are outlined in the Student Handbook.
There will be a Physical Science SOL test given near the end of the school year.
Letter grades are assigned as follows:
A = 100-94
B = 93-86
C = 85-78
D = 77-70
F = 69 and below
Students will keep all completed, graded, returned classwork, homework, lab work, and quizzes in their 3-ring binders until test day. On test day, students turn this work in to the teacher, who will grade it for completeness, then place it in an assigned folder in the classroom until the end of the semester. At the end of the semester, notebook entries are returned to the students to allow them to study for the exam. The notebook grade is based solely on whether all the assignments for that chapter are turned in on test day. For example, if there were 16 assignments during chapter 1 and all sixteen graded assignments are turned in on Chapter One’s test day, then the student receives a 100% for that chapter’s notebook grade. If only eight of the graded assignments are turned in, then that student receives a 50% as his or her Chapter One notebook grade.
Classroom Rules
- Adhere to the BCHS Student Handbook and Code of Conduct.
- Respect the people, equipment, and furnishings in Room 109.
- Keep the volume of your voice appropriate for your activity.
- Students are to stay in the lecture section of the classroom. The lab section is off limits unless the teacher gives permission.
- Stay in your seat unless you are given permission to do otherwise.
Food/Drink/Gum Policy in Room 109:
Chewing gum and eating and drinking food items are not allowed in the classroom. The only
- No food
- Keep lids on drinks
- I should not see or hear the gum or its packaging
Violating the food/drink/gum policy may result in these items being confiscated (and thrown away).
Make up work:
“Make-up work should be assigned for all absences. Students are responsible for checking the posted homework assignment calendar in the classroom and contacting the teacher about this on the day they return to class. Students are allowed two days to make up work for each day absent. For absences of more than one day, students will be given an extra day (up to a maximum of five days) to complete make-up work for each additional day of absence. Work turned in after that time will not be accepted or graded for credit. The building administrator may make exceptions for extenuating circumstances (example: lengthy hospitalization/school sponsored field trips) and written notification will be sent to all relevant instructors. Students absent from school and missing a pre-assigned test are required to take the test upon their return to class.
“Students who are tardy to school are responsible for the work missed, and homework will be due the next school day. Getting the assignment and completing it is the student’s responsibility.” (Bath County High School Student/Parent Handbook, SY 2006-2007)
The Class:
Week of: |
3-Sep |
Intro/Chapter 1 |
PS.1a,f,h,j,k,n; 2a,b,d,e; 3a,b; 4a; 5a |
10-Sep |
Chapter 1, 2 |
17-Sep |
Chapter 2 |
PS.1a,b,d,f,h,j,k; 2a,c,d,e; 5a; 6c; 7a,b |
24-Sep |
Chapter 3 |
PS.2a,d-f; 3a,b; 4a-c; 5b |
1-Oct |
Chapter 3 |
8-Oct |
Chapter 3 |
15-Oct |
Chapter 4 |
PS.1a,b,f,k,m; 2b; 4a,c |
22-Oct |
Chapter 4 |
29-Oct |
Chapter 5 |
PS.1a,k,n; 2f; 5c; 6a-c |
5-Nov |
Chapter 5 |
12-Nov |
Chapter 6 |
PS.1g,k;2b,e,f; 5a,c; 7b |
19-Nov |
26-Nov |
Chapter 6, 7 |
PS.2b,d,e; 4c |
3-Dec |
Chapter 7, 8 |
10-Dec |
Chapter 8 |
PS.1f,g,h,k; 2b,d,e; 4b,c; 5b |
17-Dec |
Chapter 8, 9 |
24-Dec |
31-Dec |
Chapter 9 |
PS.10a |
7-Jan |
Chapter 10 |
PS.1b,d,e,f,j,k,m; 10a-c |
14-Jan |
Exams Jan 18-23; Jan 23-- 1/2 day |
21-Jan |
Chapter 10 |
28-Jan |
Chapter 11 |
PS.1a-d, h,k; 10c |
4-Feb |
Chapter 11 |
11-Feb |
Chapter 12 |
PS.1b,d,g,h,k; 10c,d |
18-Feb |
Chapter 12, 13 |
25-Feb |
Chapter 13 |
PS.1a-d,g,h,I,k,l; 6; 10c,d |
3-Mar |
Chapter 14 |
PS.1a,k; 6c; 7a-d |
10-Mar |
Chapter 14, Waves |
17-Mar |
Waves |
PS.1f,k; 6c; 8a-d; 9a,c |
24-Mar |
Chapter 18 |
PS.1a,k,l; 9a-c |
31-Mar |
Chapter 18 |
PS. |
7-Apr |
Chapter 19 |
PS.1a,k,l; 11a,b |
14-Apr |
Chapter 19, 20 |
21-Apr |
Chapter 20 |
1h,k; 11a |
28-Apr |
SOL Review |
Review |
5-May |
SOL Review |
Review |
12-May |
Chapter 21/22 |
PS.6b; 11a-c |
19-May |
Chapter 21/22 |
26-May |
Exams May 30-June 3 |
| |